Advanced study filter options

Home Discussion Forum Feature Requests Advanced study filter options

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    The study list is already a good feature to keep your repertoire clean and up to date. Here are a few suggestions to make it even more powerful:

    – Flag newly imported positions as new (option that can be toggled from the repertoire’s position view) and have a filter in the study list to show all positions marked as new, regardless if they are marked as to study or not. At the same time foresee a function ‘mark all positions as not new’ to reset before making a new import

    – filter for all positions for a certain color and opening that have no key move. Meaning no move at all (end of variation) or no move marked as key. This allows searching for your repertoire for a certain color for which you did not define the responding move yet.

    – Toggle an option to hide duplicate positions from the study list. Now positions appear twice, probably because they appear in 2 openings. (when the option is selected, the positions do not necessarily have to be grouped by opening. (so the solution could also be: group by opening)

    – Show all positions longer than xxx moves (this allows to import more moves and then filter on these to cut the variation at the most relevant position


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