File Import and Backups

There are several uses for PGN files in Arsenal:

  • backing up and restoring your opening book
  • transporting data from one iOS device to another
  • pre-loading your database with your book from desktop software such as Chessbase or SCID
  • pre-loading your database with tournament games from a site such as The Week in Chess
  • distributing study lines to your chess students

Load PGN files into Arsenal in one of two ways.

1. The first is useful if you have a lone file in email, your browser, or any other app.  This would be the case if you previously emailed your repertoire to yourself for backup.

Simply tap the filename in Mail or Safari, Dropbox, etc. and you’ll see this screen.

Open PGN from Safari

Open in “Chess Arsenal” to add the lines or start with a fresh database.

Import Screen

2. From your desktop it can be convenient to use iTunes File Sharing.  This is also the only way to back up and restore your training statistics.

a) Open iTunes with your device attached.  In the left column at top, select the device icon.  Below that, in the Settings area, choose Apps.

iTunes Apps on device

b) In the main window, scroll past Apps to show File Sharing.  Click Apps -> Chess Arsenal.

iTunes File Sharing

c) Chess Arsenal Documents shows all the PGN files in your app.  Use “Add…” to bring in new files.  Save to…” copies from Chess Arsenal to your desktop.

Full Backup without PGN

d) Take special note of the “Database” folder as this is how you save training statistics.  Click on “Database” then “Save to…” to save your entire app database, including variations, comments, statistics… everything except for app settings.  Settings, such as playback speed, are easily changed after a restore from within the app’s settings screen.

Restoring a full backup

e) To recover from a full backup, “Add…” the same database folder back onto your device.  Be sure to add the folder itself, in its entirety, and not the individual files inside.  Restoring in this manner will overwrite everything in your app so be cautious.

Thoughts on backup

I back up after major opening work like adding all my Ruy Lopez lines.  PGN export is sufficient for me because I don’t care about stats beyond how I did that day.  I’ve yet to try this, but I think about keeping different PGN files for each major openings to have more specific backups, like if I want to analyze a smaller set in Chessbase.  One way to do this is to:

  1. save everything as MainDB.pgn.
  2. delete all the top-level openings that don’t match the Ruy (e.g., delete 1. d4, 1. c4, etc.).
  3. drill down, deleting non-Ruys.
  4. save RuyLopez.pgn.
  5. reload MainDB.pgn.
  6. repeat, saving other major lines.

Doing so is a little obsessive and the training filters work nicely to isolate what I want to study in a session.

Enjoy your training!


The next update is taking a while so I want to share what to expect.

New Features (i.e., pgn, pgn, pgn!):

  • PGN import – useful for sharing across devices, backing up your data, sending to your chess coach, having a friend review your lines, etc.PGN is human editable so rather than take forever with nuances like FEN positions (this is an opening app, not a tactics trainer), it will have enough PGN that if you export a game from Chess Arsenal it can definitely be reimported.  If a particular file fails to load, you can choose “Mail to developer” for future support.

    So how do you get files onto your device?  The main way is to drag and drop into iTunes.  Or you can tap a PGN file within Safari, Mail, or any other app:
    PGN Import from app

  • PGN exports will include your opening names, and PGN Import will restore them.
  • iTunes File Sharing will also get you to your main database, tucked away in a /Database folder separate from PGN imports/exports.  It has no use in other software but some of you want a pure backup.  This backs up what PGN does not: your training scores.  Also, anyone with problems can send it to me to debug exactly what’s going on.  There’s some risk in making the database public — it’s deletable! — but backup+problem solving are worth it.

Bug Fixes:

  • Castling legality can become off by one move or more.  The fix requires care in order to run through the database and repair castling at every position.  So far, so good.
  • A two-square pawn move can pass through other pawns!

This stuff’s been hairy to work with and I can’t nail down an expected date, but backups are invaluable and I think it’s worth the wait.

Happy Checkmates!


This week you can expect an update with support for variations containing repetitions.  An example would be (don’t try before the forthcoming v1.2 update!):

  1. e4 Nf6
  2. Nf3 Ng8
  3. Ng1

putting us back to after 1. e4.  Normally this isn’t part of someone’s planned opening — that would be weird from both players — but it can certainly happen if you’re just tapping around the board.

If you have any trouble, be sure to export your database and email the PGN file or post here so I have a sample of what’s wrong.  Onward!

Chess Arsenal’s growing community

The static website won’t cut it.

After a few positive correspondences with Chess Arsenal users I see definite potential in community sharing about how we use the app.  Hearing your feedback is also vital to steering Arsenal in useful directions for all its users.  Please chime in with your suggestions, what you’re using, etc.  Are you filling the app with every variation you can conceivably encounter?  Do you drill lines during study time or is more of a time-killer on the bus?

Stay tuned for updates on the app and — who knows? — maybe anecdotes from my own chess prep adventures.